2008 Events

Love Art Lab’s GREEN Year

visit site

Jan 9 – 12

Las Vegas, NV

AVN Adult Entertainment Expo

Expo Appearance

I plan to attend but might not. If I do, ask for me at the Distripix booth.

Feb 2-3

San Francisco.CA

Center for Sex and Culture

Trans Tantra: Transgressive, Transcendent, Transgender

Barbara Carrellas, author of Urban Tantra and Dossie Easton, co-author of Radical Ecstasy and The Ethical Slut, join forces to explode the myths and embrace the power of SM, gender journeying and Tantra.  Beth and I will be attending.  Join us!

To register or for more info contact:


or 415-255-1155.

Feb 8-16

Detroit, Michigan

Bert’s Warehouse Theater (Flash)

The Dirty Show – International Erotic Art Exhibition

We will be exhibiting  Big Nudes Descending a Staircase video installation in this popular annual group show.


Feb 12

New York, NY

CineKink film festival

Annie Sprinkle’s Amazing World of Orgasm

CineKink film festival screening Annie Sprinkle’s Amazing World of Orgasm, and Annie’s short film Art of the Loop.

Feb 14

San Francisco.CA

Valentine’s Day

Doing a private love-art performance.

Feb 20-24

Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

College Art Association 2008

Beth and I will be attending and presenting. We love these conventions.

CAA 2008

March 2nd

New York, NY

CineKink film festival

Annie Sprinkle’s Herstory of Porn

CineKink film festival screens Annie Sprinkle’s Herstory of Porn.

March 5,6

Colorado Springs, CO

Colorado College

Visiting Artist Presentation:My Life as a Feminist Porn Activist

March 5th

Visiting Artist Presentation

March 6.

10 AM

Sociology of Culture class.


Screening of Annie Sprinkle’s Amazing World of Orgasm, and Q and A session after the film.

March 23

San Francisco, CA

Center for Sex and Culture

Reclaiming Eros Book Party

I’m interviewed in this great, hot, new book about the Sacred Prostitute. I’ll be doing a short performance and signing books. Everyone welcome.

March 28-May 16

San Jose, CA

San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art

This Show Needs You

We’re in this group exhibition along with Linda Montano and four other artists.

April 4th, 6pm to 8pm

Opening night. ICA will examine art as social exchange in an audience-driven exhibition of workshops, installations, and performance art.   Annie and Beth present a Love Art Laboratory installation and a performance event.

April 5th, Love Art Laboratory Bridal Party

Annie Sprinkle and Elizabeth Stephens present the Love Art Laboratory Bridal Party and Sewing Bee, a happening at the ICA gallery inviting people who attend to participate. Bring things to sew onto Annie and Beth’s new bridal costumes (themes: green and nature. Bring things like green beads, wooden beads, buttons, items that can be sewn onto fabric.) Play bridal party games,share advice for lovers, and decorate the bridal costumes for their May 17th wedding.

April 10,11


Chicago, IL

Northwestern University

Visiting Artist Presentation

Sex Week at Northwestern University

April 10, 7-9 PM

Visiting Artist talk: My life as a feminist porn activist

April 11, lunch time

Screening of Annie Sprinkle’s Amazing World of Orgasm

April 11, 7 PM

Annie will be facilitating a panel on working in pornography. Party following.


April 16

San Rafael, CA

Pleasures of the Heart

Presentation at Pleasures of the Heart

I’ll do a presentation at this lovely sexuality boutique in the heart of San Rafael. (Nice new owner!)

Annie Sprinkle’s Amazing World of Orgasm

A film showing and a discussion about orgasm. Then mingling.

May 2nd

Santa Cruz, CA

UC Santa Cruz

UCSC Mini-Symposium

UCSC Symposium with Annie Sprinkle & Scarlet Harlot as guest speaker. Presented by the Feminism & Pornography Research Cluster at UCSC. By invitation only.

May 15-17th

Santa Cruz, CA

UC Santa Cruz


Interrupt! Intervene! Conference at UCSC

Interrupt! Intervene! Rethinking Art as Social Practice

My partner Elizabeth Stephens is co-producting this incredible conference about interventionist and performance artists. I’m on the roster, along with many other incredible artists.

May 16th, 11-1 PM

Art and Life. A panel with me, Linda Montano, Elizabeth Stephens & Guillermo Gómez-Peña, Susanne Cockrell & Ted Perves. Moderated by Judith Rodenbeck.

May 17th

Santa Cruz, CA

UC Santa Cruz

Green Wedding #4

Wedding 2:30-5:30 PM

Our big annual performance art wedding will be the climax of Interrupt, Intervene; Rethinking Art as Social Practice, an art conference. Come and wear green. We will be making vows to Lover Earth. Ceremony will take place in a redwood tree grove. No gifts please, but we welcome your collaboration on the creation of the wedding. Contact annie@anniesprinkle.org if you want to participate.

For info on this and our past three weddings go to loveartlab.org

May 25th

San Francisco, CA

Center for Sex and Culture


I’ll be doing my part to raise money for some important charities.

May 26-31

Los Angeles, CA

Love Art Lab road trip and research mission.

June 11-15

Stavanger, Norway

Center for Contemporary Arts

Love Art Interventions, produced by Tau Works

Tou Works is a series of new-art-productions at Tou Scene. We will be doing a series of events, including a Free Sidewalk Sex Clinic, and our visiting artist presentation, Adventures of the Love Art Laboratory.

June 21

Amsterdam, Holland


Pinched: Sex, Love and Countercultures

A one-day conference.

I’ll be presenting old and new work with Elizabeth Stephens and the Love Art Laboratory.

July 2-6

San Sebastian, Spain


Porno Punk Feminism

A 4-day conference and workshop. We’ll be presenting Adventures of the Love Art Laboratory and creating and Action/Happening.

July 18, 19

Baltimore, Maryland.

Load of Fun Art Space

Baltimore Erotic Arts Festival

I’ll be doing a really great afternoon workshop, Fun with Ecstacy Breathing and Energy Orgasms.

This sexual healing technique can enhance your sex life. We will also discuss “energy orgasms”, and explore ways to have them.

July 23

San Francisco, Ca

El Rio

For the Love of Candye

I’ll be doing a ritual at this benefit for Candye Kane who is fighting pancreatic cancer. It’s also my birthday!  Horray, I’m alive and well.

August 3rd

Fort Myers, Florida


Gerard Damiano’s Birthday

I’ll be going to celebrate this dear old friend.

Aug 13

Newfoundland, Canada

Eastern Edge Gallery

A Curious Evening With Annie Sprinkle

I’ll be doing an Intimate, Informal Show and Tell Evening, –a performative lecture presentation.  The Mayor of the town is scheduled to be introducing the evening.  We’ll see!

August 16th

San Francisco, Ca

Bernal Heights

San Francisco’s Bernal Heights Hill-wide Garage Sales

Four-hundred garages open their doors and sell their stuff to raise money for the local Community Center.  Our door will be open.

Aug 30-Sep 4

Charlotte, WV


Love Art Lab Research Mission

Love Art Lab will be doing R & D for a new show, Call of the Wild—Girls Gone Green. We’ll be photographing mountaintop removal mining practices.

September 18-24th

Los Angeles, CA

Research Mission

Sept 25

San Francisco, Ca

Center for Sex and Culture

Annie Sprinkle’s KINKY NYC 1975-1995

8:30 pm — Annie Sprinkle’s KINKY NYC 1975-1995 (A slide show walk down Mammary Lane!)

Annie Sprinkle was one of the movers and shakers in Manhattan’s kinky underground. Here’s an eyewitness account from a woman who has been there and done that. She will share some stories about the people she played with and the places she frequented plus show never-before-seen slides she took in the old daze. Expect dish and virtual, vicarious visits to the Hell Fire Club, Chateau 19, Plato’s Retreat, kinky Times Square, Avon 7, Eulenspiegal’s early years, the Sprinkle Salon, the Toilet, The Tryst, the Mineshaft, the Hell Hole Hospitol. Kinky porn, fetish fashion, pre-HIV debauchery, the NYC sex community’s response to AIDS, and the growth of New York City’s amazing sex world (not to mention Annie’s own rise to fame)! Her very special show is a must-see for San Franciscan veterans of the sexual subcultures wanting to learn more about our East Coast cousins, as well as for Annie Sprinkle fans, history buffs, and lover of New York City.

$12-25 sliding scale ($5 off if you also attended the LGBT Historical Society’s Gayle Rubin event). At CSC, 1519 Mission.

October 9

Zagreb, Croatia

Queer Zagreb Art Festival

Green Wedding Queer Zagreb

Elizabeth Stephens and I will be tying the knot… again, this time taking the Earth as our lover– as part of an excellent GLBTQ arts festival, Queer Zagreb.  We ask for no material gifts, but invite people to collaborate on the creation of the wedding. Or just come as a guest. YOU are invited.  Join us, and wear green!  See Love Art Lab for more information about the wedding projects.  More information to follow as the big day approaches.

Oct 16

Santa Cruz, CA

Pure Pleasure

Fun with Breath and Energy Orgasms

I’ll facilitate this fun sexy workshop at Pure Pleasure (Sexuality Boutique), a great new shop in downtown Santa Cruz.  I love it.

Oct 18

San Francisco, Ca

California Institute for Integral Studies

Queer Bodies in Psychotherapy

Oct. 17 – 19, 2008

Visual Aid will co-sponsor the conference.

Saturday, October 18, 6:30 – 9pm.

INQUEERING MINDS, in collaboration with CIIS. Reception followed by a panel discussion referencing the Verasphere exhibition, moderated by Elizabeth Stephens, with panelists Annie Sprinkle, Rudy Lemcke and Tina Takemoto.

November 4

San Francisco, CA

Election Day

I’m going to GO VOTE!!!!

For Obama!

Yes on Prop K to decriminalize Sex work.

No on prop 8 to ban gay marriage because it’s mean and very bad for the children of gay people.

Nov 8

San Francisco, CA

SomArts Cultural Center

Big Deal

A giant art auction to benefit Visual Aid.  This is the most incredible annual auction and for such a good cause.  To help artists with life threatening illnesses make art. Beth and I have a beautiful piece for sale at the auction.

December 3-6

Bourne, Switzerland

Schlachthaus Theater Berne

Performance Saga Festival—Bone II

Elizabeth Stephens and I will do some brand new performance piece as yet unknown, as part of this amazing line up of artists; Alison Knowles, Carolee Schneemann, and Martha Rosler.  Many other European artists will be doing performance homages to us!  Promises to be an amazing festival.  Join us.

Dec 10

Dusseldorf, Germany

Museum Kunst Palast

Diana Und Actaeon

We’ll present Adventures of the Love Art Laboratory; a performative visiting artist lecture as part of a big exhibtion about nudity. Come see us at this prestigious, huge, classic art museum.

Dec 12

Dusseldorf, Germany

Museum Kunst Palast

Public Cervix Announcement

For just the second time in the past 15 years, I will do a revival of my infamous Public Cervix Announcement, with some help from my collaborator Elizabeth Stephens.

This is a big famous museum, and it is exciting to redo this herstorical piece. Grab the flashlight and take a peek.  Our performance is a part of a big exhibition about nudity called  Diana und Actaeon. Our performance will be a part of a larger performance art evening.

Dec 17

San Francisco, Ca

(Various Locations)

International Day To End Violence Against Sex Workers

Many people are going to Washington D. C. on this day, to march for sex worker rights and safety.  And people all over the world do vigils.

I’ll be in San Francisco hosting a vigil. Place to be announced soon.  Check the Sex Worker Outreach Project web site for information. Or check back here for the place and time. http://test17.swopusa.org/

Everyone is welcome to attend. That means YOU! Please come join us.

Dec 18


Our Love Art Laboratory project will go from green to blue. Check it out at http://loveartlab.org/. We will do an event on Dec. 21 to mark this transition.

Dec 20

San Francisco, CA


Nude Aid

We invite thirty artists to make erotic art works from thirty live models. Come see the sexy tableu vivant, and watch the art be made, then take it home for XXX-Mas gifts. Or to keep.

Nude Aid will benefit the Carol Queen’s Center for Sex and Culture. I’ll be hosting along with Lady Monster, Sharon Mitchell and Nina Hartley. It’s a great event. Don’t miss it.

Dec 21

Boulder Creek, California

Blue Party

Dance the hora with the whores at the Love Art Laboratory. By private invitation only.

Dec 31

Boulder Creek, California

New year’s Eve

Happy New Year!

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